雷鸣 |
职称/职务: |
电话: |
个人主页: |
电子信箱:leiming@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:无线网络优化、智能网络优化算法等研究 |
办公地点: |
[1] Lei M, Zhang X, Yu B, Dong X. Power and Discrete Rate Adaptation in BER constrained Wireless Powered Co-mmunication Networks[J]. IET Communications, 2018, 12(18): 2213-2221.( CCF C 类)
[2]Lei M, Zhang X, Ding H, et al. Fairness-aware resource allocation in multi-hop wireless powered communication networks with user cooperation[J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(6): 1890.
[3]Lei M, Zhang X, Yu B. Max-min fairness scheme in wireless powered communication networks with multi-user cooperation[C]//International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2018: 211-222.(CCF C 类)
[4]Lei M, Zhang X, Zhang T, et al. Successive interference cancellation for throughput maximization in wireless powered communication networks[C]//Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2016 IEEE 84th. IEEE, 2016: 1-6.
[5]Cen S, Zhang X, Lei M, et al. Stochastic geometry modeling and energy efficiency analysis of millimeter wave cellular networks[J]. Wireless Networks, 2018, 24(7): 2564-2578. ( CCF C 类)
[1]欧盟FP7项目“DETERMINE (Designing Future Optical Wireless Communication Networks)”(编号318906).(参与)