讲座题目:Berry curvature as a lower bound for multi-parameter estimation
讲座人: 王晓光 教授
地点: 长安校区 图书馆西附楼学术报告厅
主办单位:计算机科学学院 计算智能团队
讲座内容简介:Quantum Fisher information (QFI) is a key concept in quantum state estimation, and Berry curvature (BC) is another basic concept to describe geometric properties of quantum states. In this report, we consider pure states undergoing unitary parametrization processes and show that the BC serves as a lower bound for the product of QFIs corresponding to two different parameters through the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. This relation between QFI and BC implies that the estimation precisions of two different parameters are mutually restrictive due to finite BC, and the notion of QFI squeezing is introduced. A scenario of general su(2) parametrization is considered in detail to verify the relation between the QFI and BC.
讲座人简介:王晓光,男,1970年1月生,浙江大学物理系教授,博士生导师。长期从事量子信息,量子计算,量子度量学的理论研究。提出基于海森堡模型的热纠缠效应被单篇他引400余次,引发了相关研究领域关于量子纠缠的大量后续工作。发表SCI收录论文150余篇,其中《物理评论》系列刊物上共50余篇;一篇综述性论文发表在Physics Reports上。论文共被SCI他引3000余次。国家杰出青年基金获得者,浙江省151第一层次人才。全国力学教学委员会副理事长,中国物理学会量子光学专业委员会委员。《Communications in Theoretical Physics》和《量子光学学报》编委。